Shipping & Returns
If in the rare case your item arrives damaged, please report it to us within 48 hours of receipt. Take photos of the broken piece in the packaging, and email them to with your order number. We will replace any item that was damaged during shipping. If for some reason you feel that the item you ordered was not what you expected, it may be returned for a full refund, minus shipping charges, within 30 days of receipt. Please notify us if you’d like to return your piece, and we’ll provide directions for where to send it to receive a refund. When packing your piece for return, please use the same materials your item came with and pack it with care so that the item comes back in good condition.
Items that are returned and are clearly not packaged well and broken during shipment will not be refunded.
Custom Orders can not be returned unless they are defective. Please email 48 hours upon receipt of the item if items are defective.
Shipping Overview
Retail items ship out according to the time stated in your order receipt. Each item is shipped at a different rate; some will ship within 3 - 5 business days, others can take up to 2 weeks. Turn around time can be found in the description of each item. Once your item is ready, you will receive an automated email with the estimated delivery date, shipping method, and tracking number. Please allow at least 24 hours for the tracking number to become live.
Insurance & Confirmation
All orders include a tracking number and delivery confirmation. If the shipping carrier has lost your item, you must contact the carrier before contacting us. We don't have any control once the package has left our studio.